
Imagine if every time you fell or failed there would be someone to catch you. If every chance you were about to take felt a little less risky. If every opportunity felt a little more attainable. If the impact of every blow born from tragedy or crisis was blunted simply by another’s presence.

How wonderful it is to know and feel like you are unconditionally supported.

Now imagine what it feels like when you are not.  Every failure is more severe, fewer chances and risks taken, the fullness of every tragedy absorbed by you alone.

These are obviously two extremes.  Most of us fall somewhere in between; feeling supported in some instances – particularly during crisis, while others times feeling more alone.

I have felt particularly well-supported in these last few weeks and wanted to thank all of those who have reached out to provide it.

I also wanted to pass on gratitude from Kelly, the single mom, whose story I shared last week.  Your generosity resulted in an additional $5000 being raised on her behalf. Her surgery went well and while there is a long road to recovery, she is feeling hopeful. (By the way, it’s never too late to help. Here is the link again.)

Out of the bright lights of crisis, we are not always as good as providing the everyday support others need. The problem is not as acute or obvious to us.  Or perhaps it feels distant or unrelated. Maybe we see it but choose to ignore it.

Yesterday, in Grand Central Station, I was listening to a podcast while walking to my train.  A homeless man came up to me and began speaking. I’m embarrassed to say that more often than not, I would simply wave him off, smile, offer an empty apology or excuse for moving on and denying support.

For whatever reason this time I stopped, removed my Air pod and listened. He politely asked if I could buy him lunch. I asked what he wanted, we walked over to the food court and I bought him a chicken dinner and a Coke. He was effusive in his gratitude. Shared a little of his story and he wished me joy, happiness and many blessings. Specifically he said he hoped I won a trillion dollars in the lottery and married a beautiful woman who would buy me five Ferraris.  I chuckled and told him that I already have a beautiful wife and she has given me three wonderful children which we agreed are far better than any collection of cars.

We exchanged names, fist bumped and went our separate ways. I was heading home to family and friends who support most – if not all – of what I do.  He was off to…well who knows.

I hope you find whatever support you need and like my new friend from Grand Central, never be afraid to ask for it.

I also hope that we all become more attuned to the everyday needs of others.- offering support whenever and however we can.

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