Marshmallows & Bastards

When we look at successful adults, we often see a consistent set of character traits that were ingrained when they were children. For example:

  • Seminal moments, called flashbulb memories, established important lessons early in life.
  • Willpower developed when instant gratification was delayed for a long-term goal.
  • Resilience taught by how to get back up after failure.
  • Success momentum created by success breeding confidence and more success.

So what happens when these character building moments don’t occur?

  • Flashbulb memories are traumatic and teach you the wrong lessons.
  • Willpower never develops because broken promises show that waiting doesn’t pay off.
  • Resilience never develops because you just get knocked down one too many times.
  • Early failure creates insecurity instead of confidence, never allowing success momentum to develop.

Character counts, no doubt. But for some the math never adds up.

Thinking back to your childhood, who contributed to your character development? Show some character and tell them today how much you appreciate it.Learn more about how CHARACTER counts and what marshmallows and bastards have to do with it.

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