Thank You For Reading This Special Post

“I will never see my own life or anyone else’s the same way again.”
Over the last seven years, the Moving Up Media Lab has worked to create a new conversation about the American Dream. One asking us to look beyond our own hard work to see the many people and events that have contributed to where we are today. Research has shown that this kind of reflection can make us both more grateful and giving.
The quote is from a reader like you and attests to the ultimate potential of our non-profits’ work.
Today for the first time, we are asking for you to support it financially via a Donation to our Dream Team Fund.
Here is how your gift to the fund will help:

  1. Your donation will go directly to an intern/young designer who themselves have struggled to move up in life.
  2. They in turn will help create content that helps thousands of people reflect on their lives
  3. Upon reflection, those thousands become more grateful for and giving towards others

As a bonus, Paypal and Facebook will be matching donations tomorrow only. They are doing this on a first come/first served basis up to a total of $7 million dollars matched for qualified organizations such as ours. So if you plan to give, please do so now so your gift can be matched.
I hope you give now to our Dream Team Fund
Thank you for your support. For opening this email, your mind and perhaps even your wallet

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