
By the time you read this, I will have attended three very different parties over the course of a week.

The first was a celebration of life for a dear friend who died way too young. Friends from her college days and early New York years gathered to remember a life so bright that to simply say her name would bring a smile to your face.

The second is an altogether different affair. A party to celebrate the launch of my new book. While this is my third published book, it is my first book launch party. The first book came out just as my second daughter was born. She was premature, needed immediate surgery and spent the first six weeks of her life in NICU. The only place to be was by her side. My second book came out during COVID. Tough to throw a party then. Hopefully the third time will be the charm.

The third party is a bittersweet affair. It is the end of year party of my oldest daughter’s soccer team, which I have coached since they were all little girls. Sadly, this may mark the end of the team, as many of the girls move on to other high school pursuits. Coaching this team has brought such joy to my life. To see it potentially end will be very tough for this softie.

A party, by definition, is simply a social gathering where people talk, eat, drink and enjoy themselves.

When younger, I – as the Eddie Murphy song goes – “partied all the time.” As I’ve grown older the amount of partying and the nature of the occasions has changed significantly.

A few nights ago, over the dinner table, my daughters reminded me that years ago, we used to have frequent, “just because” parties at our home. Spontaneously on a random Friday or Saturday night we’d invite a few families over – just because. The grownups would sit around  laughing, telling stories  – while the kids ran around, stopping occasionally to eavesdrop. They were awesome.

During the pandemic, “just because” became “we can’t.” For whatever reason, they have not resumed. My daughters suggested that maybe they should and I think they’re on to something.

Everyday we are able to draw a breath, there is something to celebrate. Until of course there isn’t.

Not to contradict Prince, but we don’t have to “party like it’s 1999” or because there is some special occasion. We have to party just because it’s today and we can.

This week’s recommendation: Watch this two minute story about Valentines and Memorial Day. Guaranteed to make you feel wonderful.

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